Sunday, January 18, 2009

Reinventing Dad's Dad

Reinventing Dad's Dad is no longer living on God's green Earth, but barely a day goes by when I don't think about him and wish we had more time together both in my childhood and adulthood.

Dad I know how much you adored Brenna and how important it was for you to see that she was baptized. She will remember you through video, pictures and personal testimony from myself, Mom MD and Grandma J. Though Alec, Ju Ju and Vivi were born after you passed away, I can already see some of you in them. By the way, Bren (what Grandma J calls her) takes piano lessons and it's easy to see Alec has an ear for music.

Dad as you can see I'm now unemployed (outside the home), but I enjoy life, family, friends, blogging and have had the opportunity to slow down and appreciate so much more than I ever had before.........

Dad you are gone, but NOT forgotten. I know we'll be together in another time and place.

Your Son

P.S. Mom was over tonight to watch football and sends her love.......


Et tu, Don said...

Damon, your Dad was amazing man. He was one of the most gentle, intelligent, and caring men I have ever had the opportunity to meet. He and your Mom have taught me a lot - especially to appreciate my parents who I no longer take for granted. My best memory - and I've told you this often - is when you and I (after a few beers) sat with your folks and Scott and sang "Auld Lang Syne". Your talented father playing the piano beautifully as always. What a great night! I'll always remember it.

Reinvent Dad said...

Don, Thanks for the good words about my Dad. I know he thought a great deal about you as well. I was just thinking about the time in HS when we ditched class and were going to get some food at Vons and go to my house and we saw him out front of the store talking to someone....I have NO idea how he saw me, but a couple days later mentioned in passing "Maybe you guys shouldn't be ditching class"....I can't remember if I ever ditched school after that or maybe I just became more sneaky!

Kat said...

That was a very touching tribute to your father.

A Free Man said...

WHat a great letter to your Dad. I'm grateful that mine is still around - may send him an e-mail right now!

Marideth Post said...

I am ringing in late on this post(no surprise), I've been at a work function for a week. I really liked Paul too. I remember the last time I saw him in St. Louis - also the first time I met my darling goddaughter. He was holding Brenna on his lap on the piano bench and saying, "that's right, just get a feel for the keys - it's fun to play on the piano." A very nice moment. I didn't know Paul well, but feel fortunate to have really gotten to know and to spend time with your Mom over the years. Mare