Monday, June 22, 2009

Mom MD's quote...was she talking 'bout ME?

Mom MD made the Sac Bee is the link..."Birthing centers make room for Daddy"
I played around with the Share This button for a good hour and couldn't figure it out.  Pretty lame, I know.


Expat No. 3699 said...

Don't feel bad, I wouldn't have been able to figure that out either. I'm blogtarded that way.

Beth said...

So, did you faint?

msprimadonna67 said...

I have no idea how that 'share' thing works, either!

Reinvent Dad said...

I'm so blogtarded...takes me 10x as long to figure out how do stuff.....Beth, I did not faint, but she had 2 c-sections and I was sitting down.