Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy 11th Birthday Bren

Dearest Brenna -

Mom and Dad can't believe that we have an 11-year old. Cliche yes, but it seems like just yesterday that a 9 lb, 7 oz "cone head" was pulled kicking and screaming from a weary second year medical student who became a new mother. I imagine that it's obvious to you now why we celebrate Mother's Day every year. I chose a picture of you with R.E. Dad's Mom to mark your day.

Just to be clear and honest. You are by far my favorite "tween" and I couldn't be anymore proud of you or your accomplishments if you were my child. Oh wait, you ARE my's so very obvious. You, like your Dad have that quirkiness gene that Mom MD doesn't. We enjoy singing out loud, but unlike dear old Dad who tends to sing alone and is clearly tone deaf, you actually can carry a tune & have the ability to brighten our day with your music ....a talent inherited from your late Grandpa Paul, a gifted musician and fantastic human being.

As I begin to close this birthday message, I wanted to mention that I can't begin to understand how the addition of the triplets jolted and turned your world upside down. Just know that they so admire you, like Mom & Dad do.

Happy 11th Birthday, Fuzzy B.

Love (R.E.) Dad


msprimadonna67 said...

Very sweet post. Just thought I'd let you know I left a blog award for you on my site. Head on over and pick it up!

Jess said...

Ohhhhh I love it! Happy Birthday to your daughter!!!!!

Kat said...

Happy Birthday Breanna!

Expat No. 3699 said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!

Badass Geek said...

Happy Birthday, kiddo!

A Free Man said...

Happy Birthday to your little girl.

Maggie May said...

there is a disney movie out right now (on tv) called 'quints' about a girl who was an only child and her parents have five babies. i wonder if your daughter could relate :)

Reinvent Dad said...

Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes to Bren...msprimadonna, thanks for the award..I'll come check it out soon....Badass, I received your e-mail and I'm thinking of a theme.....Maggie, oh yeah..I do remember "Quints" and now the thought of it makes me cringe.