Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Steel Magnolias in my queue???   Ok, I need to know, who the heck  put "Steel Magnolias" at the top of my queue? 

This is absolutely one of the cruelest tricks you can play on a guy.  I intentionally moved "Hancock" to the top just the other day as I wanted to play it on my new Blu-Ray this weekend.  Now I'm stuck as Netflix has already sent me THAT e-mail stating "for Thursday" here comes a smooshy gooshy chick let's list the suspects....

Bren - Most likely - She occasionally taps into my Netflix account to search new DVDs and likes to add such hits as the "Cheetah Girls" and "HS Musical Uno, Dos and Tres."  The fact that she chose a grown-up movie makes it less likely, but perhaps she heard about this "movie" from an older female friend or relative.

Mom MD - Slightly less likely - She rarely goes into my queue, but I know she likes this type of movie.  After I rented "Leatherheads" and "The House Bunny" I suppose she has good cause to question my choice of flicks.

Both - Possible - I can't rule this out.  Once in awhile, they do talk and agree on something.

A triplet - Not possible - The little ones don't know how to use the computer.

Reinventing  Dad - Uh, NO way, Impossible - not even in my weakest hour.

I wanted to point out to the person or persons responsible for this outrageous act that I have "Mamma Mia" and "Vicky Christina Barcelona" in the queue (& near the top I might add).  I also did sit and watch the Hallmark made-for-TV movie "Loving Leah" last Sunday even though I know I could have found something more educational on the Science or History Channels!

So this is a house mystery like the case of the broken Pottery Barn clock a few years back (no ONE confessed). This time, however, I believe with fewer suspects, we will know the truth real soon - I'll let you know.


Michelle said...

Loving Leah was decent but you should have watched The Last Templar. That movie was great!

A Free Man said...

I hope that you can mete out a fair but brutally appropriate punishment.

Kirsetin Morello said...

Very funny!

Et tu, Don said...

Hey it could have been "Mystic Pizza", "Pretty Woman" (basically anything with Julia Roberts) or "Titanic". Consider yourself lucky!

Reinvent Dad said...

Michelle - I know I know...not sure why I didn't watch the Last Templar

FM - Yep, corporal punishment is in order.

Don - This is true...I liked the historic side of "Titanic"

Sunny said...

Perhaps you should call Colombo, he'll solve the case.

The Stiletto Mom said...

What was wrong with House Bunny? True, I have the same sense of humor as a 14 year old boy at times but I liked it.

Get yourself some brownie points and try to make it through Steel Magnolias. For extra, hand your wife tissue during the sad part!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on on my blog.
I focus on the marriage issue.At the same time i went through another major issue similar to you. I closed my business. For the first time in 25 years i had no where to go in the morning, i had no income etcc. It was a rough summer.
I am now in a great place in my life. If you want to connect, you can e-mail me at:
Enjoy the kids

Kat said...

I love me some Steel Magnolias. I mean where can you go wrong with a movie that has the line "I'm not crazy, I've just been a very bad mood for the last 40 years!"

Kat said...

Sorry that last comment was mine...forgot to switch accts.

Cat said...

Ha! I just did a blog on the whole Queue problem. My issue is the teenage boy. He hangs around in that darn queue just a little too much thus we have plenty of graphic novels turned movies to view.